About the Press

TU Delft OPEN Publishing is an open-access publisher of the Delft University of Technology. We publish content (books, journals, and textbooks) co-authored or co-edited by the academics of TU Delft.

1. Mission and Scope

TU Delft OPEN Books publishes multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary content of high quality from all scientific disciplines represented at the TU Delft from aerospace engineering and computer science, to policy and design. 

Our peer-reviewed books are indexed in the Directory of Open Access Books

2. Open Access Policy

TU Delft OPEN Books is licensed under one of the following Creative Commons licenses:

  • CC BY 4.0 licence. The license means that anyone is free to share (to copy, distribute, and transmit the work), to remix (to adapt the work)  

Note that publishing under CC-BY-NC/SA is allowed under exceptional conditions. For enquiries contact us at publishing-lib@tudelft.nl

3. Review Policy

TU Delft OPEN Publishing follows the international ethics guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). As such, the board of TU Delft OPEN Publishing and affiliated Editors adhere to the COPE ‘Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors’ and the "Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers". 

All material published with TU Delft OPEN Publishing has transparent ways of review in place, which are described below. Furthermore, the editorial and review policies follow the principles of transparency as described in the "Declaration on transparent editorial policies for academic journals"

TU Delft OPEN Publishing recognizes single anonymous (reviewer unknown to the author), double anonymous (both author and reviewer unknown to each other) or open peer review processes. 

Authors are required to submit a book proposal. The book proposal is evaluated by a minimum of two experts who give their recommendations.  There are three types of recommendations: Reject, Accept with revisions and Accept.  Authors can appeal to decisions- the proposal will be sent to a new set of experts.

After acceptance of the proposal, the book will be independently reviewed by experts or a review committee.

Experts are selected from the TU Delft OPEN Books Board of Editors, external reviewer database or a review committee.

4. Copyright

The copyright on academic and professional publications (dissertations, scientific articles, articles in professional journals) produced while in the employment of TU Delft is the property of the author.

Copyright on teaching materials produced by you as a teacher of TU Delft is owned by the employer and can therefore be used as such for education and research purposes unless other arrangements have been made. Although the exploitation rights of teaching materials may be vested with TU Delft, you always keep your moral rights, for example, the right to be cited as the author of the publication.

More about copyright here.

5. Submission charges and Book processing charges

There are no book processing or publication charges for TU Delft affiliated authors and editors.

6. Data repositories, license and citation

  • You must share your data via data repositories such as 4TU.ResearchData or another trusted data repository of your choice.
  • You are required to cite any publicly available research data in the reference list.
  • You are encouraged to make data available under open licences that permit free reuse.

The above applies to the research data that would be required to verify the results of the research reported in the book. Go to our extensive data policy to know more. 

7. Ethics and Code of conduct

Go to Policy for more details 

8. Disclaimer

The opinions expressed in our published content are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the views and opinions of TU Delft OPEN Publishing.  

The responsibility of the content provided is exclusive to the author(s) concerned. TU Delft OPEN Publishing, TUDOB, and the editorial board are not responsible for errors in the contents or any consequences arising from the use of the information contained in it.

The opinions expressed in the publications of TU Delft OPEN Books do not necessarily represent the views of TU Delft OPEN Publishing and the moderators.  

We follow an open access publishing principle, in which author(s) are the sole owners of the copyright of the content published, and for any omissions, or copyright violations author(s) of the concerned book is only responsible. Our responsibility is limited only to the removal of the concerned article from the journal once the query is raised.