Fluid Soils: (Co)Designing for the Wadden Sea Landscapes


Laura Cipriani
Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Keywords: climate change, co-design processes, water and soil, Wadden Sea Region


The relationship between soil and water is at the center of interest now more than ever. Despite being a UNESCO World Heritage Site of extraordinary environmental value and beauty, the Wadden Sea, its territories, and its people now face an uncertain future while wrestling with latent climatic, economic-productive, and social crises. Subsidence increased by gas extraction and peat oxidation, soil erosion, saltwater intrusion, eutrophication, and agricultural water pollution testify to a territory in the throes of long-term repossession by the sea. Can we (co)design the Wadden Sea landscapes? How can we transform these emergencies into opportunities? Based upon applied research work in regional scenario-making and local design projects, the book attempts to imagine the present and future of the Wadden Sea and its hinterland adopting (co)designing approaches. Peatlands, agriculture, energy, and heritage all intersect to encourage economies and social inclusion projects where the landscapes of soil and water become the driving force to overcome the crises.


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Author Biography

Laura Cipriani, Department of Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Laura Cipriani is an assistant professor of landscape architecture at Delft University of Technology. Her current research addresses climate change issues, starting from the materiality of ‘water and soil’ and adopting (co)design approaches. Over the last decade, she has taught at Venice University IUAV, Politecnico di Milano, National University Singapore, Venice International University, and the University of Padua. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Architecture (Hons) from IUAV, a Master’s in Design Studies (Hons) from Harvard Design School (2004), and a Ph.D. in Landscape Urbanism from IUAV. In 2008, Laura founded Superlandscape, a landscape and urban design firm.


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Fluid Soils (Co)Designing for the Wadden Sea Landscapes



July 8, 2024


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