Graphs, Formulas and Tables relevant to Transport Phenomena
This book provides relevant information required during BSc-level courses on Transport Phenomena, encompassing micro- and macroscopic balances, correlations for friction, heat transfer and species transport and material properties. The information comes in handy during exercise classes and written exams.
Handbook of hydraulic resistance, I.E. Idel'chik, Israel Program for Scientific Translations Ltd. (1966)
Energy losses at 90°pipejunctions, Itō, H. and Imai, K., Journal of the Hydraulics Division, vol. 99, pages 1353-1368 (1973)
Pure and Pseudo-pure Fluid Thermophysical Property Evaluation and the Open-Source Thermophysical Property Library CoolProp, Bell, I.H., Wronski, J., Quoilin, S., and Lemort, V., Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 53, pages 2498-2508 (2014)