Show the Physics
Demonstrations, Physics, Physics education
Demonstrations are fantastic. They offer so many wonderful possibilities to show the beauty of physics and amaze pupils, that we really should do at least one in every physics class. While it may not always be feasible, the objection “which demo then?” no longer applies. This book presents a selection of the 99 ‘best’, most beautiful physics demonstrations from the Dutch book series “ShowdeFysica” as published by the Dutch Association for Science Education. The demonstrations are categorized as nature of science; scientific inquiry; conceptual development or special occasions. So, whether you want to deepen students’ understanding of a specific topic, want to engage them in thorough thinking, or if you were asked to demonstrate physics on a festive occasion, you can find demonstrations and inspiration in this book.
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Author Biographies
Freek Pols, Department of Science & Engineering Education, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Freek Pols (1986) worked as a physics teacher for 10 years. Since 2019, he has been working as a practicum coordinator at TU Delft’s Engineering Physics program. In 2023 he obtained his PhD on practicum education, specifically on teaching scientific inquiry. He now is an assistant professor at the Science & Engineering Education department. His research remains directed at the development of experimental physics education, but now with a focus on university level.
Peter Dekkers, Department of Science & Engineering Education, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Peter Dekkers (1960) worked as a physics teacher, teacher trainer and physics education teacher in Botswana, South Africa and The Netherlands, at TU Delft since 2014. He did his Master in Foundations of Physics in Utrecht and received his PhD in Physics Education from the VU. He did research on conceptual development, the role of practical work and Nature of Science.
October 15, 2024
Copyright (c) 2024 Freek Pols, Peter Dekkers