INDESEM | The International Design Seminar: Emergence, Development, and Interplay with the Education in Delft
The International Design Seminar (INDESEM) has a long and fascinating history. Since the first edition in 1964, each INDESEM has brought students and professionals from all over the world together to explore one relevant architectural issue of their time – in the form of excursions, competitions, and lectures. While INDESEM evolves and changes, depending on the people involved in its organization, each edition exposes current ideas and needs of the students: their views on architecture education, what they deem most relevant, and which designers inspire them. In return, INDESEM inspires educators and helps establish new ways of teaching in architecture. This book presents archive material, publications and interviews with some of the key personalities to tell this exciting story for the first time.
A, Gonin, Jebavy J, Shekh-Khalil T, and Vaucher A. “Indesem ’90
Guide.” INDESEM, Geneva, 1990. non-inventoried archive
of INDESEM Delft, #39
Aalbers, Nina, Bart van der Hooft, Sejla Lagumdzija, Sven
van Oosten, Rosa Robbertsen, Esther Verhoek, Leonie
Welling, and Jasper Schaap. “Indesem ’09 Pre-Publication,
Documents.” INDESEM, Delft, 2009. non-inventoried
archive of INDESEM Delft, #29, #30, #5
Albers, Robert, Karel van Asbeck, Arnold van Dijck, Marc Labadie,
Liliane van der Meer, Guus Schuijvens, Jurriaan van Stigt, et
al. Rightsize or Rightsize. International Design Seminar 85
Delft. Delft: Vakgroep 13, TU Delft, 1985.
Andrejevic, Andreja, Eline Degenaar, Floris Dreesmann, Leonie
Boelens, Lars van Vianen, and Jani van Kampen.
“Indesem 2015 Re.Craft.” 2015.
Andrejevic, Andreja, Eline Degenaar, Floris Dreesmann, Leonie
Boelens, Lars van Vianen, and Jani van Kampen. “Indesem
’15 Event Guide, Pre-Publication, and Poster.” INDESEM,
Delft, 2015. non-inventoried archive of INDESEM Delft,
+ #42
Batist, Estelle, Annette Boot, Jelk Kruk, Renate Pekaar, Quirien
Schouten, Hans Teerds, Daan Zandbelt, and Nanna van der
Zouw. Indesem 98: Operation Nl - the Experiment Ahead.
Delft: TU Delft, 1998.
Beekmans, Jeroen. “‘2067: The Legacy’ Presentation in Delft.”
Archis (2011).
De Haan, Hilde, and Ids Haagsma. “Architectuurweek Als Noodkreet
Voor Behoud Studie.” Volkskrant, April 26th 1989 1989, 13.
de Jong, Marten, and Sandra van Riemsdijk. Indesem 1996: Exploring
the Darklands. Delft: TU Delft, 1996.
Enneking, Guusje, Renske de Meijer, Bart Vos, Alex Da Costa
Gomez, Milou Klein, Koen Meijman, Maurane Gabriël, and
David van der Blonk. Indesem. Beyond the Echo Chamber.
International Design Seminar 2019. Delft: TU Delft Open,
Frenken, Caspar, Winy Maas, Arjen Oosterman, and Jules
Schoonman. 2067: The Legacy. Indesem Explores the Future
of Architecture. Amsterdam: Archis, 2007.
G., Bekaert. “Indesem 67: Als Koeien in De Weide.” Tijdschrift
voor Architectuur en Beeldende Kunsten 35, no. 2 (1968):
Grafe, Christoph, and Suzana Lopes da Silva. Alice in Waterland.
Indesem 89. (1) Theme. Delft: Publikatieburo Fakulteit der
Bouwkunde, 1989.
———. Alice in Waterland. Indesem 89. (2) Architects & Artists.
Delft: Publikatieburo Fakulteit der Bouwkunde, 1989.
———. Alice in Waterland. Indesem 89. (3) Excursions. Delft:
Publikatieburo Fakulteit der Bouwkunde, 1989.
———. Alice in Waterland. Indesem 89. (4) Workshop. Delft:
Publikatieburo Fakulteit der Bouwkunde, 1989.
———. Alice in Waterland. Indesem 89. (5) Lectures. Delft:
Publikatieburo Fakulteit der Bouwkunde, 1989.
Haegens, Court, Karin Hazewinkel, and Bernhard Jaarsma.
Indesem’93. Dark Is the Night. Reader. Delft: Publikatieburo
Fakulteit der Bouwkunde, 1993.
Hauptmann, Deborah. “A Talk About Indesem.” By Valentin Zech.
the interview was recorded on video, if you need extra
information please contact the author.
Hertzberger, Herman. Space and the Architect. Lessons in Architecture
Rotterdam: nai010 publishers, 1999.
———. “A Talk About Indesem.” By Valentin Zech and Aart Oxenaar.
the interview was recorded on video, if you need extra
information please contact the author.
Hill, John. ‘Architect of Landscape’ Georges Descombes Awarded
Prix Meret Oppenheim. (2021). https://
Hogenelst, Tymon, Lauren Broshuis, Ties van Benten, Daphen
Delissen, Louise Remmelts, Thomas Dillon, and Hugo
Wijdeveld. “Indesem ’17 Information Booklet, Call
for Application, Poster.” INDESEM, Delft, 2017. noninventoried
archive of INDESEM Delft, #14, #17, #47
Hoogeboom, Joris, Milou Joosten, Marloes van Zelst, Ruben Smits,
Raven Kluijfhout, Daphne Bakker, Peter Smisek, Hans
Larsson, and Dimitrie Stefanescu. “Indesem ’11 Guide (Work
in Progress), Pre-Publication, Lecture Guide.” INDESEM,
Delft, 2011. non-inventoried archive of INDESEM Delft, #8,
, #43
Ijsseling, Mirjam, Inge Bobbink, Edwin Bijman, Martin Kuitert, Nils
Meulemans, Tom de Munk, Gitta Pardoel, et al. Indesem 88.
Delft, INDESEM, 1988.
Information from Rademakers, Stijn 2022. ‘Wiek heeft ons erg
gestimuleerd om het op te pakken en een beetje bij het bestuur
gelobbyd voor de eerste financiële toezegging, Jan Brouwer
en Ben van Berkel waren alleen in naam verbonden. Herman
is eigenlijk degene die ons het meest ondersteund heeft maar
dat was ook een met wat frisse tegenzin omdat we vanaf het
begin ook vrij duidelijk onze eigen weg wilden gaan. […]
Wij hebben veel gehad aan Laurence Jan Ten Cate en Marcel
Musch. Die wisten van heel veel zaken hoe we dat handig
konden aanpakken. Een echte mentor of supervisor hadden we echter niet.’
Information from van Dorst, Machiel. 2021. ‘Mentioned in an
unrecorded interview in November 2021’
Labadie, Marc, and Bert Thjie. Indesem 87: International Design
Seminar. Delft: Delft University Press, 1987.
Maas, Winy. “A Talk About Indesem.” By Valentin Zech. 2022.
the interview was recorded on video, if you need extra
information please contact the author.
McMullin, David. “Elk Gebouw Is Ontworpen Om Vergeten Te
Worden.” Delta (2000).
Mimica, Vedran. “Who Is Vedran Mimica?” By Marina van den
Bergen and Piet Vollaard. ArchiNed. 2007. https://www.
Monteiro de Jesus, Soscha, Thomas Broos, Lila Athenasladova, Barend
A-Tjak, Robin Gringhuis, Steven Otten, Robbert Verheij, et
al. “Indesem ’13 Guide (Work Version).” INDESEM, Delft,
non-inventoried archive of INDESEM Delft, #4, #27,
Mulder, Suzanne, and Jeroen Schilt. Jonge Architecten in De
Wederopbouw: 1940-1960. Bussum: Thoth, 1993.
Nierop, Stephan, and Maarten Cornelissen. Indesem 2000, ‘a Critical
Judgment’. Delft: TU Delft, 2002.
Röling, Wiek, and Lodi de Keyser. Stylos International Week of
Design. Delft April 7th - 17th 1964. Delft: Printing-Office of
the TU Delft, 1996.
Strokap, Paul, and Pascal Rijnders. Indesem’91: Theatre &
Architecture. Theme. Delft: Publikatieburo Fakulteit der
Bouwkunde, 1991.
Tzonis, Alexander. “The Lost Years?”. OASE, no. 75 (2008). https://
unknown author. architectenweb (2007).
van den Berg, Paul, Gerrit van der Noord, Jean Piret, Hans Ruyssenaars,
and Marianne Visser. Indesem 67. International Design
Seminar Delft. Delft: Architectural Students Oranisation
Stylos, 1968.
van den Broek, Vera, David de Bruijn, Marten Dashorst, Janneke van
Kilsdonk, and Jouke Sieswerda. Indesem2005: A Political
Act. Delft: INDESEM2005, 2005.
van den Heuvel, Dirk, and Max Risselada. “Team 10 Online.
Introduction/Members/Meetings.”. 2022, no. March 23rd.
van den Heuvel, Dirk, Madeleine Steigenga, and Jaap van Triest.
Lessons: TupkerRisselada. A Double Portrait of Dutch
Architectural Education 19532003. Amsterdam, The Hague:
SUN, 2003.
van Helden, Geneviève. “A Never Ending Story.”. OASE, no.
van het Kaar, Pieter. Indesem ’03: Fast Forward, a Driving Perception.
Delft: Indesem 2003, 2003.
various. Hunch 2001/2002: No. 4: The Berlage Institute Report. Edited
by Jennifer Sigler. Meppel: Bruil & van der Staaij, 2002.