Things Don't Really Exist Until You Give Them a Name: Unpacking Urban Heritage


Rachel Lee (ed)
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Diane Barbé (ed)
School of Architecture, Faculty VI – Planning Building Environment, Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
Anne-Katrin Fenk (ed)
School of Architecture, Faculty VI – Planning Building Environment, Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
Philipp Misselwitz (ed)
School of Architecture, Faculty VI – Planning Building Environment, Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
Keywords: urban heritage, art practice, research methods, activism, urban heritage toolkit, urban heritage conflicts, Urban heritage conundrum


Urban heritage conundrum
Urban built environments are spatial and material archives. Streets, buildings, open spaces, or infrastructures are registers of historical negotiations and repositories of data. Stories of power, geopolitics, economic systems, labour and culture can be revealed through road names and construction materials, portals and pediments, park benches and chimneys. Embodying our desires, needs, and resources, they condition how we live and interact with each other, and trigger countless reinterpretations and re-appropriations. Most of this dense layering is not immediately legible; it has not been decoded. Rather it is part of a more intuitive, lived sense of “urbanity” that generates contemporary individual and collective senses of identity and belonging. These complex urban palimpsests form the constitutive stages upon, with and against which everyday and extraordinary cultural life is performed. 


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Author Biography

Rachel Lee (ed), Department of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Rachel Lee is an assistant professor at TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, specializing in colonial and postcolonial architecture and urbanism. Her research focuses on the intersections of migration and exile, transnational practice, heritage, mobility, and gender in South Asia and East Africa. Currently a Mellon Fellow with the Canadian Centre for Architecture’s Centring Africa project, she is studying the German architecture firm Lippsmeier+Partner’s contribution to social infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa with Monika Motylińska. As an associated researcher with Metromod, her work has focused on contact zones in Mumbai and includes the co-edited volume Urban Exile: Theories, Methods, Research Practices (Intellect 2023). She is also part of an interdisciplinary team studying the spatial impact of global textile value chains on local communities through the project Localising Global Garment Biographies. With Anooradha Iyer Siddiqi, she edited the three volumes of Feminist Architectural Histories of Migration.


Bhatawadekar, Shraddha and Yedurkar,

Chinmay. 2016. “Role of Heritage Education

in Cultural Heritage Conservation”. In

YOCOCU 2014: Professionals’ Experiences in

Cultural Heritage Conservation in America,

Europe, and Asia (Andrea Macchia, Fernanda

Prestileo, Simone Cagno and Fariz

Khalilli eds.). UK: Cambridge Scholars

Publishing, 9-18.

Jordan, Tim. 2002. Activism! Direct Action,

Hacktivism and the Future of Society. London:

Reaktion Books.

Poulios, Ioannis. 2014. The Past in the Present,

A Living Heritage Approach – Meteora,

Greece. London: Ubiquity Press.

Stottman M. Jay (ed.). 2010. Archaeologists

as Activists: Can archaeologists change the

world?. Tuscaloosa: The University of

Alabama Press.







Jordan uses an exclamation

mark to talk about activism that might

be producing ethics for a future society

(Jordan 2002: 26).

Tim Jordan, Activism!: Direct

Action, Hacktivism and the Future of Society

(London: Reaktion Books, 2004), 154.

Ibid., 7.

Ibid., 153.

Ioannis Poulios, The Past in

the Present: A Living Heritage Approach –

Meteora, Greece (London: Ubiquity Press,





M. Jay Stottman, Archaeologists

as Activists: Can Archaeologists Change

the World? (University of Alabama Press,

Ibid., 8.

Shraddha Bhatawadekar

and Chinmay Yedurkar, “Role of Heritage

Education in Cultural Heritage Conservation”,

in Professionals’ Experiences in

Cultural Heritage Conservation in America,

Europe, and Asia, ed. Andrea Macchia et

al. (Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge

Scholars Publishing, 2016), 14.

Stottman, Archaeologists as

Activists, 15


May 9, 2023


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