Engineering Education in the Rapidly Changing World: Rethinking the Vision for Higher Engineering Education | Second Revised Edition
The first edition inspired many conversations about “The Future Engineer” at my home university and many partner universities and institutes abroad. The “Free Spirits” Think Tank of the 4TU.Centre of Engineering Education in the Netherlands, which investigates the rise of new engineering profiles in the coming 10 to 15 years and develops matching scenarios for campus education in 2030, has taken my vision as a source of inspiration. The numerous meetings and workshops I attended between engineering academics, industries and engineering consultancies in the Netherlands and abroad, and the conferences and panels of the global CDIO Initiative and the World Engineering Education Forum (WEEF) in Florence (2015) all discussed the subject of the engineer and industry of the future. They addressed the impact of the changing global economy, the fast pace of change, the limited shelf life of specialist knowledge, the university’s role in innovation, the need for an interdisciplinary mind-set, the global interconnectedness, the rise of machine intelligence and the use of open standards. These are all aspects that shape the rapidly changing world in which we live and in which we educate tomorrow’s engineers, who might be a different breed than the ones we have been educating over the past 50 years. These factors set the scene for the “why” and “what” of our future education.
Workshop on Space Engineering Competences
and Academic Education,
CEAS 2013 Air and Space Conference;
Linköping, 17 September 2013.
Workshop “Imagineering, The Engineer
of the Future”, ORAS, Delft, 28 March,
Workshop on the NOTIS project; Science
and Technology in the Society; KTH visit to
Delft, 23 May 2014.
Workshop on Education and Training
Needs for Aviation Engineers and
Researchers in Europe, Brussels, 13 June
, retrieved 14 July 2014 from http://
Workshop “The Engineer of the Future,
Company Strategy and Competence Priorities”,
Airbus Group University Partner
Programme (AGUPP) Event, London
-18 July 2014; AGUPP Panel Session,
Paris 17-19 June 2015; AGUPP Singapore,
February 16-18 February 2016.
CDIO Global and Regional meetings: Copenhagen,
June 2011; Palo Alto, October
; Brisbane June 2012; Boston June
; Gothenburg, January 2014; Barcelona,
June 2014; Reykjavik, February 2015;
Chengdu, June 2015; Belfast, November
; Delft, January 2016.
Global E3 2015 Annual Meeting; Michigan
Engineering, University of Michigan , Ann
Arbor; 20-23 May 2015.
World Engineering Education Forum 2015;
Engineering Education for a Resilient Society;
Florence 20-24 September 2015.
Hannover Fair 2016; “Transforming Engineering
Education – Challenges and Opportunities;
organised by 3TU High Tech
Systems and 3TU.Centre for Engineering
Education; Hannover, 28 April 2016.