Together: Towards Collaborative Living
Collective living is on the rise in the Netherlands. Amid an unprecedented housing crisis, more and more people are turning to collective self-organization to provide community-oriented, sustainable and affordable housing. But why are these initiatives struggling to get off the ground? And what can we learn from other European countries?
"Together: Space for Collective Living" is a collection of essays, data and case studies in the Netherlands and other European countries, building on the 2021 Project Together! Knowledge. The book addresses the following questions: what is the relevance of collective living, how can we realize these forms of housing, and who can use what actions to ensure that collective living can contribute to more sustainable cities and regions? The book illustrates the dilemmas and opportunities for a new paradigm about living together in the 21st century.
D. Czischke, C. Carriou, R. Lang, 'Collaborative Housing in Europe: Conceptualizing the Field', Housing, Theory and Society (2020), vol. 37, 1-9.
S.L. Brysch, D. Czischke, 'Affordability through design: the role of building costs in collaborative housing', Housing Studies, (2022), vol. 37(10), 1800-1820.
D. Mullins, T. Moore, 'Self-organized and civil society participation in housing provision', International Journal of Housing Policy, (2018), vol. 18(1), 1-14.
I. Ruby, A. Ruby, M. Kries, M. Müller, D. Niggli, Together! The New Architecture of the Collective (Berlin: Ruby Press, 2017).
J.D. Barenstein, P. Koch, D. Sanjines, C. Assandri, C. Matonte, D. Osorio, G. Sarachu, 'Struggles for the decommodification of housing: the politics of housing cooperatives in Uruguay and Switzerland', Housing Studies(2022), vol. 37(6), 955-974.
J. Sørvoll, B. Bengtsson, 'The Pyrrhic victory of civil society housing? Co-operative housingin Sweden and Norway', International Journalof Housing Policy (2018), vol. 18(1), 124-142.
J. Sørvoll, B. Bengtsson, 'Mechanisms of solidarity in collaborative housing-The case of co-operative housing in Denmark 1980-2017', Housing, Theory and Society (2020),vol. 37(1), 65-81.
N. Aernouts, M. Ryckewaert, 'Beyond housing:on the role of commoning in the establishment of a Community Land Trust project', International Journal of Housing Policy (2018), vol. 18(4), 503-521.
D.U. Vestbro, 'From central kitchen to community cooperation: Development of collective housing in Sweden', Open House International (1992), vol. 17(2), 30-38.
D. Czischke, C.J. Huisman, S. Brysch, L.M. Vergara, V.A. Cortés Urra, 'Mapping Collaborative Housing in Europe - Towards a Systematic Categorisation', Paper presented at the ENHR Conference 'Unsettled Settlements: Housing In Unstable Contexts', Nicosia, Cyprus, 30 Aug-2 Sep 2021.
T. de Moor, 'Shakeholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy',Inaugural lecture, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2023).
R. Lang, C. Carriou, D. Czischke, 'Collaborative Housing Research (1990-2017): A Systematic Review and Thematic Analysis of the Field', Housing, Theory and Society (2020), vol. 37(1), 10-39.
R. Sennett, Together: The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation (London: Penguin Books, 2012).
D. Czischke, A. Ayala, 'Housing in the Global North and the Global South', Companion to Urban and Regional studies (2021), 579-604.
O. Druta, R. Ronald, S. Heath, 'Urban singles and shared housing', Social & Cultural Geography (2021), vol. 22(9), 1195-1203.
S.L. Brysch, D. Czischke, 'Affordability through design: the role of building costs in collaborative housing', Housing Studies, (2022), vol. 37(10), 1800-1820.
D. Czischke, 'Collaborative housing and housing providers: towards an analytical framework of multi-stakeholder collaborationin housing co-production', International Journal of Housing Policy (2018), vol. 18(1), 55-81.
Co-Lab Mapping project:
L. Rissik, 'XS>XL: The emerging concept of commercial co-living and its influence on users-affordability and developers-profitability', TU Delft repository (2019).
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I. Hulshof, Wallisblok (2012), (accessed 20 April 2023).
G. de Pauw, BK Talk 'Building Together! Concepts and tools for collaborative housing' (7 October 2021).
T. Braunholtz-Speight, 'Scottish community land initiatives: going beyond the locality to enable local empowerment', People Place Policy Online (2015), vol. 9(2), 123-138.
D. Czischke,'De Architect als Medeontwerper: In 'collaboratieve housing-projecten' is iedereen deskundig', ['The Architect as Co-designer: Everyone is an expert in 'collaborative housing projects''], de Architect. Thema: Architectuur voor en met Collectieven(2021), 152-161.
World Economic Forum, 'Global Risks Report 2023 18th Edition' (2023).
Y. Maury, Les coopératives d'habitants : Méthodes pratiques et formes d'un Autre habitat populaire, (Brussels: Bruylant, 2009).
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D. van Gameren, A. Kraaij, P. van der Putt, 'Building Together: The Architecture of Collective Private Commissions', in: 'Building Together: The Architecture of Collective Private Commissions', DASH | Delft Architectural Studies on Housing (2013), vol. 8.
A. Duivesteijn, R. van der Ploeg, 'De koopwoning bereikbaar: een sociale koopsector voor lagere inkomens', Tweede Kamerfractie PvdA (17 June 1996).
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T. de Moor, 'Shareholder society? Social Enterprises, citizens and collective action in the community economy', Inaugural lecture, Erasmus University Rotterdam (2023).
F. Savini, 'Maintaining autonomy: Urban degrowth and the commoning of housing', Urban Studies (2022).
J. Conijn, Seminar 'Financing collaborative housing', 7 October 2021.
D. Czischke, S. Zeulevoet, C.J. Huisman, 'The new Dutch wooncoöperatie housing model: a tale of collective self-organisation of social tenants in Amsterdam', paper presented at the ENHR conference 'Housing for the next European social model, Athens 27-30 August 2019.
R. Lang, P. Chatterton, D. Mullins, 'Grassrootsinnovations in community-led housing in England: The role and evolution of inter-mediaries', International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development (2020), vol. 12(1), 52-72.
A. Heywood, 'Local housing, community living'. The Smith Institute: London (2016), p. 12.
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E. Cabré, A. Andrés, 'La Borda: a case study on the implementation of cooperative hous-ing in Catalonia', International Journal of Housing Policy (2017), 1-21.
La Borda - Cooperative housing,
Cooperative housing that builds community,
H.G. Larsen, Barcelona: Housing crisis and urban activism, Contemporary Co housing in Europe (Routledge, 2019).
N. Aernouts, M. Ryckewaert, 'Beyond housing: on the role of commoning in the establish-ment of a Community Land Trust project', International Journal of Housing Policy(2018), vol. 18(4), 503-521
H.G. Larsen, 'Three phases of Danish cohousing: tenure and the development of an alternative housing form', Housing Studies (2019), vol. 34(8), 1349-1371.
E. Gruber, L. Richard, 'Collaborative housing models in Vienna through the lens of social innovation: Austria', Affordable Housing Governance and Finance (2018), Routledge, 41-58.
I. Blomberg, K. Kärnekull, 'Do-it-yourself: The stony road to cohousing in Sweden', Built Environment (2019), vol. 45(3), 280-295.
D. Czischke, 'Collaborative housing and housing providers: towards an analytical framework of multi-stakeholder collaboration in housing co-production', International Journal of Housing Policy (2018), vol. 18(1), 55-81.
M. LaFond, T. Honeck, Cohousing cultures, Id22: Institute for Creative Sustainability, Jovis Verlag GmbH Berlin (2012).
D. Czischke, 'Collaborative housing and housing providers: towards an analytical framework of multi-stakeholder collaboration in housing co-production', International Journal of Housing Policy (2018), vol. 18(1), 55-81.
T. Dawance, A.S. Smetcoren, M. Ryckewaert, N. Aernouts & L. De Donder, Care and Living in Community, CALICO. Groundwork for evaluation and state-of-play (2019).
D. Czischke, C.J. Huisman, 'Integration through collaborative housing? Dutch starters and refugees forming self-managing communities in Amsterdam', Urban Planning (2018), vol. 3(4), 156-165.
C. Huisman, D. Czischke, 'Between Self-organization and Formal Participation: Increasing Tenants' Influence through Self-management?- A Dutch Case-study', Housing, Theory and Society (2022), 1-19.
C. Huisman, D. Czischke, 'Samen wonen om te integreren', Bestuurskunde (2020), vol. 29(3), 45-54.
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