Circular Design Research in The Netherlands
In 2023, the Netherlands is strategic partner of the Business of Design Week held in Hong Kong, with Circular Design as the central theme. One of the objectives of this partnership is to foster enduring international cooperation. As an initial step towards future collaborative efforts, the Network Applied Design Research (NADR) made an inventory of the current state of Circular Design Research in the Netherlands. This publication represents the results of this effort. Inside, readers will find a summary of six promising ‘gateways to circularity’ that may serve as entry points for future research initiatives. These six gateways are: Looped Systems; Extension of Useful Lifetime; Servitisation; New Materials and Production Techniques; Information Technology and Digitization; and Creating Public and Industry Awareness. The final chapter offers an outlook into topics that require more profound examination. Our hope is that this publication will serve as a starting point for discussions among designers, entrepreneurs, and researchers, with the goal of initiating future collaborative projects between Dutch knowledge organizations and their counterparts in Hong Kong. It is our belief that only through intensive international cooperation, we can contribute to the realization of a sustainable, circular, and habitable world.


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