Publication notice
Updates or Changes after Publication
Last update: 13-1-2025
The manuscript (book or journal article) files delivered to the publisher are considered final. Changes after publication will not be accepted unless strictly necessary. You can follow the instructions below if a small change is necessary after publication.
When a journal article or book is published, it becomes an official publication record. This means that readers can refer to it as a trusted source of knowledge on a particular topic. Each manuscript published is issued with a DOI to identify it as a unique publication. When discussing publications, we talk about “Version of Record” (VOR). The VOR refers to the file(s) delivered to the publisher before publication. Post-publication changes of any kind are not desired but may be necessary and need to go through a formal procedure to record them, maintaining the integrity of the published record. The process ensures that the VOR can be considered trustworthy, neither data, results, or any of the contents have undergone any type of manipulation. The process also ensures that readers are notified of changes and can refer to the correct document when citing.
Post-publication changes should be avoided when possible. Before delivering the final files to the publisher, authors should thoroughly check the manuscript for errors or mistakes in the text, tables, images and captions. A revision step before submission is important to avoid issues with the VOR.
TU Delft OPEN Publishing should always be contacted to start a post-publication procedure. If changes are necessary, contact us explaining the reason for changing the VOR. We will determine whether those are acceptable. If the changes are small corrections (e.g. of an equation; of an incorrect term or statement), a publication notice will be published, explaining to the readers which changes were made to the VOR.
In the case of a new version (see reference document), a publication notice is also published to explain the changes made to the VOR.
Below is a summary of the most common types of post-publication changes. In these cases, a publication notice will be issued.
It applies to the following publication types: journal articles, books, textbooks, and conference books. It does not apply to interactive textbooks.
Errors or mistakes in the publication
Suppose the proposed changes are important errors in the publication or mistakes that compromise the readers’ understanding. In that case, our press may issue a corrigendum, addendum or correction to indicate the changes to the VOR.
Authorship Changes
Adding or Removing an Author, or Changing the Order of Authors
If author changes are necessary, contact us explaining the reason for adding/removing an author or changing the order of authors listed in the VOR. Ensure to obtain permission from all authors concerned. We suggest that you explain the role of each contributor following CRediT. The use of ORCiD is mandatory for all authors.
Substantial Updates or new Content
If it is necessary to add substantial updates or new content to a VOR, a new version or new edition might be applicable. Substantial updates could be new sections, figures, images, chapters, text, substantial corrections, etc. There needs to be an argument as to why it is necessary and what the value added is. For example, a major development in the field would qualify as substantial new content. E-mail TU Delft OPEN Publishing if you would like to add new content or substantially update a publication. Learn more about a new version or a new edition.
Publication Notice – Example
Here you can find an example of a publication notice published (see button right-hand side: "corrigendum").
Metadata Changes - Title, Abstract or Keywords
While these changes might not require a publication notice, we strongly advise not to change metadata unless strictly necessary. All TU Delft OPEN Publishing publications are indexed by different parties (e.g. Crossref, DOAJ, DOAB, Scopus). Those parties are informed of metadata changes when they occur. Note that TU Delft OPEN Publishing facilitates but is not responsible for third-party metadata updates.